DCC - Digital Crew Chief

MIT License Discord

100% flying, 0% configuration.

DCC is meant to be a toolkit offering simple apps to enhance your flying experience in Digital Combat Simulator.
Still in early development we currently only offer a dynamic campaign, but more apps are planned (see Roadmap).


  • Download the latest release Setup.zip from github.
  • Extract the zip and run the Setup.exe (The Installer is not yet signed, so Windows might warn you about an unknown source).
  • The installer installs all necessary files, creates a Desktop Shortcut and launches the app. You can delete the Setup afterwards.
  • Inside DCC you can setup the paths to your DCS folders and then start the campaign app.
  • You are ready to go, have fun.

Dynamic Campaign

Campaign Mode for Digital Combat Simulator(DCS) inspired by Falcon BMS and Liberation ---no configuration, just fly---

App Screenshot

How does the Campaign work

The campaign is defined by two definition, Scenario and faction. Once the campaign is started each site/faction tries to archive the defined win condition automatically. The player can always choose the occupy one (or more) of the planned or active flight group/mission and play the mission out in DCS. After flying the mission in DCS the results are processed back into the campaign.


The scenario defines on which map and when the campaign takes place. It also says what the win condition is. And what objective and structures are allocated to which side at the start of the campaign.


This defines which planes, helicopters and ground units are available for the given faction. Aircraft availability can be set individually for the different mission types.


You can choose at campaign start to activate the hardcore mode. Hardcore means if you(or a client in multiplayer) dies in a mission the campaign fails.


A carrier will be automatically added to the campaign(if one was selected in the faction) if your faction has a carrier capable plane. You can switch between a super carrier or carrier in the faction.

Airport Capture

You can capture(or lose) an airport if all surrounded objectives(5nm) are captured by your ground units.


Structures are a collection of building which provide a service for the controlling faction. To prevent these services the opposite faction can destroy the buildings with a Strike mission or capture the structure with ground units. Is a building destroyed it will be repaired over a period of time.

Ammo Depot

Provides Ammo for Barracks and Depots nearby to improve the deploy time of this structures.


Deploys periodically infantry units to enemy objectives.

Command Center

Controls the SAM Network(IADS) - coming coon


Deploys periodically vehicle units to enemy objectives.


Allows the use Helicopters near the frontline

Power Plant

Provides electricity to structures and SAMs(IADS - coming soon) nearby to improve the deploy time of this structures.

Fuel Storage

Provides Fuel for Depots nearby to improve the deploy time of this structures.


Cares for the wounded pilots and soldiers. Which helps the deploy time for the next aircrafts or ground groups. (Not fully implemented)


Holds captured pilots and soldiers. (Not fully implemented)

Mission Types


Destruction Enemy Air Defense. The SAM is destroyed if the track radar is destroyed.


Combat Air Patrol. Flight between the given waypoints and attack all enemy aircraft in range.


Destroy all buildings at the given waypoint.


Protect the designated Strike Group from enemy air threads. Communication Tools to find your escort target are available in the Communication Menu.


Close Air Support. Destroy enemy ground units between the given waypoints. Communication Tools with a JTAC to find the targets are available in the Communication Menu.


Combat search and rescue. Find and rescue previously downed pilots with a helicopter. Communication Tools with the pilot are available in the Communication Menu.


DCS does not allow saving files from missions per default for security reasons.
File access for DCS allows missions to write files, which can be used by DCC to save the result when you fly a mission.
But it also allows missions to write malicious files, so it should only be enabled when you trust the missions you fly (also when you join online servers).

A small change in DCS settings is necessary for persistance to work (only on the machine hosting the mission).
If the generated mission is hosted on a dedicated server, the change needs to be applied there.

DCC can automatically enable / disable this setting for you.
By default DCC will enable persistance when it is started and disable it on quit.
You can change this behaviour in the Menu Campaign -> Persistance.

Manually enabling persistance

To manually enable persistance change the following lines in the file Scripts\MissionScripting.lua in the DCS installation folder.

   _G['require'] = nil
   _G['loadlib'] = nil
   _G['package'] = nil


   -- sanitizeModule('io')
   -- sanitizeModule('lfs')
   _G['require'] = nil
   _G['loadlib'] = nil
   _G['package'] = nil

To disable it again just revert this change.


DCC can be used for multiplayer sessions. You can select multiple slots and multiple flight groups in DCC flight group list (currently max two clients per flight group) If the clients are spread over multiple flight groups the mission start time will be set to the earliest flight group start time.

To start a multiplayer mission you can either start it on the PC running DCC or on an dedicated server, in which case the file “dcc_state.json” created by the mission must be copied back (to the folder where the mission file was created) so that DCC can take over the result of this mission.

Current Limitation

Many systems within the Campaign are currently implemented in a simplified way. For example the ground battle currently doesn’t distinguishes between the vehicle/infantry type. We will improve and expand these systems in the future.


App Features

  • Quick Mission: Create a simple mission that offers immersion into a battlefield
  • Patcher: Apply patches to DCS to easily configure your setup
  • Controls: Drag & Drop setup for your Joystick / Throttle
  • Mods: Install and Remove supported DCS mods with a simple click

Dynamic Campaign



Join our Discord server and stay connected.


Contributions are always welcome!
See contributing for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project’s code of conduct.
